Acts of the Two Witnesses

The Heavy Revelatory Foundation has released a new book:

Acts of the Two Witnesses

here are some of the features:

* The period of their 1,260 day prophecy is fully identified as mentioned in Revelation 11:3. The start and finish dates are provided as well as fully detailed explanations for all the various component parts of this message.

* Why the Two Witnesses are clothed in sackcloth, and what this means. How this impacts their attributes and the delivery of their messages. All the figurative and symbolic language is fully explained.

* All the key events that have been witnessed by the Two Witnesses. The reasons why we must now understand how all these events now tie together as this age now reaches its culmination point. Also included, is the role that they play in the fulfilment of the end time prophecies that were given by the Lord Jesus Christ.

* The ideology that will viciously set itself against the Two Witnesses. How persons dedicated to this ideology will set about to kill them, and the nature celebrations that will follow. However, in the midst of all of the celebrations, why they will not be able to bury the Two Witnesses.

* The reasons why the Two Witnesses are also described as the Two Olive Trees (Zechariah 4:3). The duality of their role and purpose is expounded. It is because of their very crucial purpose with respect to the Church, this is why it is now imperative that all dedicated believers in Christ Jesus must now know every intricate detail about them.